Feminine Power Time With Christine Arylo

209: 7th Anniversary Milestone: What We've Created & Where We're Going From Here



It's hard to believe that today I can share with all of you that this month marks the 7th year anniversary of Feminine Power Time, and since I believe in living by the wisdom, perspectives and practices I share and we work with here, I invite you to join me for the kind of pause that would do us all (and the world) so much good... One: Pausing to Savor what we create. Acknowledge what is already here. Which in our case is a still very relevant Wisdom Library on topics ranging from self-love to sacred work & careers to intuition & making wise choices to feminine super powers & liberating ourselves from burnout to redefining success & embracing our power of harmonic defiance, and so much more.  I'm curious for you... what milestone are you moving through right now? Something you could pause and savor and acknowledge, even if it's not 'done'?   Two: Pausing to consider what's needed & what we desire to do with the creations we've given our energy to. Find the wisdom for how we grow through mo