Reyna's Podcast

Ep. 110 - Strategies I Use to Pull Myself Out of a Bad Mood & Stay Focused on My Goals



Did you know that 94% of the PROBLEMS in business are systems driven and only 6% are people driven?  So if you look back and analyze 94% of the problems can be fixed by building proper systems and if you are a solopreneur or a coach then the other 6% depends a LOT on you, your mood and phase of life.  That is why this week’s episode focuses How to pull yourself out of a bad mood and stay focused on your goals. Dig in to learn:  1️⃣ The power of contributing for the greater good of people. [2:57]  2️⃣ Don't Let Obstacles Derail Your Dreams: How to Stay Focused on Your Goals When Life Gets Tough. [5:58] 3️⃣ The Therapeutic Benefits of Putting Pen to Paper [9:44] 4️⃣ Snooze to Success: How Resting and Sleeping Can Keep You on Track to Achieve Your Goals [14:57] 5️⃣ Accountability + Community = Success: How Accountability Group Calls Can Help You Meet Your Business Goals [18:27] Don't let inconsistency derail your dreams, gain control of the 6% people and YOU driven problems with Latina Lifestyle Legacy a