The Letters Page

Editor's Note #66



A note! From Editors! For Editors? BY Editors?! Who can say! Show Notes:  Run Time: 1:43:49 There was a lot of great interaction from the chat on this one, which means that even though we recorded for over 2 hours, Trevor cut a lot of Bad Radio and this episode is a reasonable length. Whew! Upcoming schedule! Tuesday, May 2nd: Episode #247 - Creative Process: Fashion Foes Tuesday, May 9th: Episode #248 - Creative Process: Lifeline Supporting Cast Tuesday, May 16th: Episode #249 - Creative Process: Rambler Foes Tuesday, May 23rd: Editor’s Note #67 Tuesday, May 30th: Episode #250 - Writers’ Room: Scavenger Unity When we finally get into letters, we acknowledge that we were wrong to do rules rulings on the air. Whoops! We'll still take letters about rules questions, but we'll answer them with more care and oversight. Thanks! We still have lots of Rook City Renegades stuff to talk about, and we do! Listen and find out! Catch you next time for Episode #246 about the Citizen Dawn event with an alien artifact on I