Savage Nation With Michael Savage

The Savage Nation Saved Lt. Behenna 11 Years Before Pres. Trump's Pardon



There have been several cases where Michael Savage has rallied his millions of listeners to the defense of brave members of our armed forces who have been attacked by a justice system they would have died to protect. On May 6, 2019, one of those cases, First Lt. Michael Behenna, a U.S. Army Ranger, finally found some form of justice — albeit warped after years of imprisonment by his own nation — when President Donald Trump pardoned him. For his willingness to sacrifice his life for his country, Behenna was repaid with scorn and prosecution. His family was saddled with hundreds of thousands of dollars in legal debt, but through it all Savage relentlessly pursued the truth and helped them publicize their story, resulting in a $100,000 donated toward Behenna’s defense. The story of Lt. Behenna’s nightmare of injustice begins a little more than 11 years ago. The soldier from Oklahoma was only 24 years old in April 2008 during a deployment in Iraq. Behenna’s platoon was viciously attacked, leaving the platoon serg