Enjoy The Journey- The Aureus Financial Podcast

Financial Education for Building Wealth with Jim Fairhall-Dicke and Chad Brookes



As the famous saying goes, "Knowledge is Wealth," and this statement holds when it comes to finance. Individuals who possess education and experience are more likely to make informed financial decisions that contribute to the growth of wealth and enable us to use our time efficiently. Considering the rapidly evolving economic landscape, how crucial is education to thrive in this dynamic environment? In this episode, I have a wonderful discussion with my business partners, Jim Fairhall-Dicke and Chad Brookes, The Directors of Zenith Global Wealth Management and Aureus Financial Advisors. Our discussion revolves around financial strategies, advice, education, and the current state of the financial market in the year 2023. Jim is a financial advisor with 20 years of experience in the industry. Throughout his career, Jim has gained extensive experience and expertise in creating and building wealth for his clients. Jim's commitment to his clients is unwavering, and he consistently goes above and beyond to provide