This Endolife

Running a Successful Business with Endo with Lux Perry of Somedays



Today on the show I have the pleasure of speaking with Lux Perry. Lux Perry is the Co-founder of somedays and if you aren’t familiar with the brand, I really recommend you check them out. somedays provides natural period pain relief products that are backed by science. Their mission is to de-normalise period pain and to empower people to transform their relationship to pain and take control of their body. Lux lived with unexplained chronic pain and horrific periods since they were nine years old, and like many of us, spent years and years being dismissed. Their experience with pain, their endo diagnosis and their personal journey with their body, led them to co-found somedays with Cassandra Naud and Annabelle Price back in 2021, and they’ve been lighting the period care world on fire ever since! In this episode Lux and I are talking about one of my favourite topics that I don’t usually get to share here – running a business with a chronic illness. We discuss: Lux’s story and their motivation behind somedays.