Large Marge Sent Us

Romancing the Stone



This one goes out to our mom, Carol, who loved Romancing the Stone - an action adventure romantic comedy from 1984 starring Kathleen Turner and Michael Douglas. Come to find out, we like these movies now too now that we're in our mid to late 30s and it's directed by our pal, Robert Zemeckis or Bobby Z if you've listened to some of our past episodes on Back to the Future or Forrest Gump.  Romancing the Stone (weird title, we'll go into it) follows Joan Wilder, romance novel/cat lady who longs for a real life romance, not just one to write about.  She finds it when she has to high tail it to Colombia to save her sister from some sketchy dudes who have kidnapped her in the hope that she has a map her dead (murdered? details are foggy) husband had that will lead to lost gemstone.  Joan ends up with the map, goes to Colombia and on the way meets Jack T. Colton aka hot guy with a gun and problems buttoning his shirt all the way - who helps her in more ways then one, *wink wink.  We'll talk about rom coms geared tow