Attra - Sustainable Agriculture

She's Raising Sheep: Wendy Auzqui of Wyoming



What are the secrets to success in raising sheep? For Wyoming rancher, shepherd, and world champion stockdog trainer Wendy Auzqui, the answers lie in our attitudes, our powers of observation and communication, and our willingness to cooperate with nature rather than battle against it. In this episode of Voices from the Field, Wendy has a conversation with NCAT Sustainable Agriculture Specialist Linda Poole, focusing on raising Rambouillets on an integrated cattle, sheep, and hay ranch in the Northern Great Plains. They also talk about why our minds are like puppies, tell a story about the power of Pop-Tarts in creativity, and offer lots of deep wisdom about living a life of joy and meaning in today's world. Related ATTRA Resources: ·         Wisdom from SHEperd: ATTRA’s She’s Raising Sheep Podcast Series, Episodes 1-5·         What Your Stockdog Can Teach You About Livestock Other Resources: ·         Creekside Stockdogs·         Wyoming PBS: Wendy Auzqui and Quirt ·         Wyoming Woman Trains World Ch