Jami Dulaney Md Plant Based Wellness

Jami Dulaney MD Plant Based Wellness Podcast Episode 428: Sharing a Plant Based Journey with Friends



Welcome! and Thank you for listening.  I took this episode on the road to Riverwood Golf Community where I recorded a discussion of adopting a plant based lifestyle.  Two of my practice members, Bob and Judy Sparanese started a discussion group around plant based nutrition.  I was invited to give my perspective as a plant based physician.  I shared my practice journey and how my thoughts on nutrition have evolved over my years in a cardiology practice.  The common theme is implementation and socializing.  No one really doubted the benefits.  I shared some of my go to meal ideas and ways to make it a little easier.   Bob and Judy are setting a great example by reaching out to meet new friends with shared interest of health and nutrition.  A golf course community is a tough place to implement plant based nutrition.  The perception that "good food" is burgers and fries, steak and potatoes, and the occasional fish and chips would prevail on most menus.  Golf stories and happy hour are more the theme than health a