Cold War Conversations

Serving in the Cold War British Army Intelligence Corps during the 1960s & 70s (111)



Harry served as a soldier in the Intelligence Corps in Germany in the 1960s and 1970s. His role was that of an Intelligence and Security Operator, focused on the identification of foreign and other malign activities which might undermine the effectiveness of the UK's military presence in the country. Accordingly, he had the experience of a range of security investigations and close liaison with the West German civil and military security authorities. Now I’m sure you are enjoying your weekly dose of Cold War history, and you’d like to continue to do so.  So I’m asking if you wouldn’t mind supporting us by paying at least $3 USD a month – higher amounts are welcome too. It’s very straightforward and you can stop whenever you want. Plus monthly supporters get the sought after CWC coaster too! Just go to You can also help the podcast by leaving written reviews in Apple podcasts as well as sharing us on social media. Back to today’s episode, Harry and I talk in detail abou