Your Mileage May Vary

Swallowing Superman's Semen, The Basement Masturbator, Heart-ons, Slow Orgasms, Anal Orgasms



What is there left to say about blowjobs? Keith doesn't like them, but women like giving them. They like that submissive role, giving their man a good safe place to put his semen. What a privilege. How should a woman take it if she clearly is sexually interested in a man and he's not reciprocating? The sad truth is it probably means he's just not seeing a future with you. That categorically does not mean he won't continue to have sex with you occasionally, but it does very likely mean he wont be pursuing much if any of a commitment. What's the right response for a woman who is dating a man who only cums from masturbation? And, how should she respond if he texts her after not being able to cum during partnered sex to tell her that right after she left he had a great orgasm from masturbation? And, should men be embarrassed about premature ejaculation? I know I was sort of embarrassed when I became partially aroused from Keith's description of one such encounter by a questioner. To see Mike's Subreddit, contain