Funniest Thing!

Open The Door For More Miracles with Kirk Kjeldsen



There is only one habit to break. Break this habit and you’ll open the door to more health, happiness, love, opportunities, and prosperity. What’s the one habit? Criticism. Refrain from criticism and you’ll be amazed by the improvements. On this episode Darrell and Ed highlight the wonderful fact that love naturally takes over whenever we resist the urge to criticize ourselves or others. And, during the second segment, Critical-free Kirkie, Kirk Kjeldsen helps us avoid the pitfalls and potholes of criticism with today’s reading, “I Am Free”. Become a monthly contributor to Funniest Thing!  Here is the link to Patreon: Darrell and Ed love you! Become a monthly contributor to Funniest Thing!  Here is the link to Patreon: Darrell and Ed love you!