
A Lifetime Doing Nothing (Story 95 excerpt)



Story 95 from 'A Lifetime Doing Nothing' by Ian McCrorie. Doing non-doing is a long path and is not always straightforward. To understand what you need to do and why and how is relatively easy, and in this regard I hope this little book has been a help. However, old habit patterns, especially latent tendencies, are pernicious. You may continue to be sidetracked by their beguiling beckoning to react. You may succumb from time to time. You may find the process hopeless. You may get frustrated. These reactions are also old habit patterns. It is as if you are at a masked ball, dancing with many different partners, all of whom keep exchanging their masks with each other. Still, do not give up. Have faith.... narrated by Ian McCrorie 2023 5 minutes 54 seconds Listen to Streaming Audio Your browser does not support the audio element. Download Audio (3.3MB