Expand The Business With Casey Eberhart

The Formula to Create Instant Influence



Welcome to Expand The Business podcast! It's Casey Eberhart, and today I'm going to share with you a simple step-by-step formula that you can use to increase influence and build instant rapport with anyone at any event. It's all about making lasting connections. So, let's get started! Key Points: [00:00:00] Introduction to the simple step-by-step formula to increase influence and create friendships at any event. [00:00:42] Step 1: Take a selfie with the person and text it to them with a message open to put their phone number in. [00:02:16] Step 2: Follow up within seven days with a video text that includes your name, how to pronounce and spell it, where you met, and any follow-up or agreement made at the event. [00:02:29] The video text is powerful because it provides extra reference points, making it easier for the person to remember you. [00:04:15] The critical component is to talk to the prospect with a picture, providing both an audio and visual representation, making it easier for them to spell your name