I Know Dino: The Big Dinosaur Podcast

A new tyrannosauroid from Idaho



For links to every news story, all of the details we shared about Patagosaurus, and our fun fact check out https://iknowdino.com/Patagosaurus-Episode-410/Join us at www.patreon.com/iknowdino for dinosaur requests, bonus content, ad-free episodes, and more.Dinosaur of the day Patagosaurus, a Eusauropod that lived in the Early–Middle Jurassic in what is now Patagonia, Argentina.In dinosaur news this week:A new unnamed tyrannosauroid was discovered in Idaho which was smaller than Moros, but bigger than SuskityrannusThere’s a new therizinosaur named Paralitherizinosaurus that was found in Hokkaido, JapanA new specimen of Yulong mini was found, which helps show how the dinosaur grew as it agedSauropods may have developed soft tissue pads on their feet by the Late Triassic to Early Jurassic, and this may have been a key adaptation for them to evolve into giantsThe Peabody Museum of Natural History may have fossils of a new tyrannosaur species from the east coast of the U.S.The Philip J. Currie Museum took visitors