The Leadership Japan Series By Dale Carnegie Training Japan

510 Leading Imperfect People



Actually, we don’t want to lead imperfect people – we want the winners, A Players, the motivated and the capable.  Fine and they cost a bomb, so I hope you have deep pockets.  If you work for a major corporation then that is exactly what you can command, because you have the bucks to sustain that type of ecosystem.  They are also attracted to work for your brand name firm, so it is a happy exchange.  If you work for a small to medium enterprise then life is quite different.  There is a constant trade off of financial resources to be tied up in someone who probably won’t make much money in the first year, against the cost of hiring, onboarding and training them.  The outlays go out in a flood and the return ebbs back in a trickle. Japan, like many other economies is witnessing a population decline.  There will be roughly a million people less in Japan, every year, for the next ten years at least.  That translates into a smaller number of potential staff available to hire and that means compromises have to be m