Sharp - The Podcast

One Great Tool – STP015



Episode 15 - An introduction to GTD (Getting Things Done)If you only put one new tool in your box, we reckon you should make it GTD. It's not time management or a routine - it's a way of living. Whether you like writing things on paper, using apps, or want to develop a full-blown new 'task management' system, there aren't many others which are as simple, elegant, and downright good at proper stuff. The clue is in the title - Getting Things Done. This podcast explains why WE like it, why we think YOU will like it, and where to find all the stuff. If you don't know the system, hopefully, this is a good introduction to it. If you do know the system, then feel free to visit any of the resource below, which may help you remember what a great idea it is. Some of the stuff in there is: Why we think that GTD (Getting Things Done) is a fantastic approach to getting stuff under controlWho this David Allen bloke isGetting stuff under control isn't difficultIf you're a paper person, an 'app' person, or a 'system' person