Purple Patch Podcast

Episode 261: Why Race Distance Training Plans Don’t Work for Time-starved Athletes



Coaches and athletes love to discuss the importance of specificity in regard to training. While specificity is important to an extent, race-specific training is not always one-size-fits-all. Unfortunately, many athletes follow a specific plan that ends up not being the optimal plan for their needs and situation. For time-starved athletes, with competing demands in life and work, integrating a set amount of training hours designed around specific race distance means cramming training into a life already bursting at the seams. In today’s episode of the Purple Patch Podcast, IRONMAN Master Coach Matt Dixon explains how to build a training program that can achieve sustained high performance across a range of distances while fitting into a life with high competing demands. Matt leverages Purple Patch’s popular tri-squad program to highlight a training structure that fits all levels of athletes under one umbrella. How can athletes have different race distance goals - from sprint distance and short course to IRONMAN