Ceti Alpha 3: A Star Trek Podcast

293 - OG Spacedock



Star Trek: Picard, S03E06You want Star Trek? This episode gives you Star Trek!The adventures continue on the USS Titan-A as they arrive at the Fleet Museum, led by a familiar Next Gen face and his (other) daughter, as well as the top super secret vault at the Daystrom Station, filled to the gills with all the leftover Trek props.The trio looks at the Picard episode "The Bounty", where the second half of the season begins. Join us as we press pause on our screens to capture all the fan service (in a good way!) extras, and we encounter the last of our main TNG crew to complete the set. How is the Next Gen crew doing in the 25th Century? Is there a next Next Gen crew being assembled? And what awaits us in the future?