Next Level Nutrition Biz

How to Confidently Attract Consistent Clients Through Your Website with Shiva Nassiri



In this episode, Stephanie is talking with Brand & Graphic Designer Shiva Nassiri all about the 5 ways you can sign new nutrition clients with your website. Shiva shares her background in design and how she pivoted her nutrition business to start helping wellness business owners to establish their own brands and websites. Shiva also shares the reasons why it’s important to invest in your branding and website early on in your business, and why you might be missing out on new clients if you’re not focusing on these areas! In today’s episode, you’ll learn: Why it’s so important to have a website for business growth Shiva’s favourite website platform 5 important ways to increase sales with your website Shiva’s branding and website design process for clients Links and resources mentioned: Follow Shiva on Instagram Learn more about working with Shiva on her website Learn more about Practice Better and save 20% on your first 4 months with code NEXTLEVEL20 in the checkout