Never Ever Give Up Hope

How Do You Build Supportive Communities - Especially in an Emergency



Until the age of 35, Barry Braun’s life was all about money. He had made lots of money and lost lots of money. Then something happened which made him wonder what the purpose of life really was about. Barry’s story helps us understand some of the struggles we often go through while achieving success.     After Barry experienced a deep self-reflection exercise lasting 18 months, he concluded that life was about service to others. He created a successful coaching practice that focused on entrepreneurs connecting to their sense of purpose. This became a competitive advantage by bringing social purpose to their businesses.   Looking forward to his grandchildren's future, he shifted focus to mitigating the outcomes they would likely experience by changing how we relate to our communities.        Barry Braun founded Happy Community Project to help communities realize the support the next generation will need and make them happier places to live. is bringing community developers toget