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Marriage Fears, Joy Eggerichs



Most Want Marriage, But What’s Stopping Them? Just when you thought marriage was washed up, we discover most people admit they’d like to be married.  The reasons why people stay away from marriage may ring a bell.  Joy Eggerichs (daughter of Love & Respect founder, Dr. Emerson Eggerichs) lets us in on the research. Marriage Still The Ideal Despite Other Choices Despite divorce and co-habitation, most people admit they’d just like to be married.  The age group between 18 and 35 have very specific fears about marriage, so Joy of LOVE AND RESPECT (NOW) works to dispel some of the scary myths about marriage.  One way Joy helps people get over marriage fears is through The Illumination Project, which she put together with her dad, Emerson. Get More Marriage Insights More of this interview uploading soon to CM Podcasts and you can get more fascinating insights from Joy at