Laconia Seventh-day Adventist Church | Podcasts From Our Pulpit

Hope That Never Surrenders



My life’s ministry is to help children and youth with choices—to encourage them to build a closer working relationship with Jesus Christ. The LORD has been molding me for this ministry ever since I surrendered my life to him in a prison cell 35-years ago. It has been an amazing journey, from discovering hope in God because He first loved me, to becoming an honor inmate and chief engineer of an inmate fire crew, of driving a fire engine to save lives, to earning a lifesaving award from President Ronald Reagan just one year out of prison, then being hired by Captain Cousteau as his expedition leader and chief diver launching me into five-year odyssey of underwater adventures. When I became an SDA in 1993, I resigned the job of my childhood dreams to fulfill my promise to the LORD to help others not to make life damaging mistakes and to share a message of “Hope That Never Surrenders,” because that hope is founded in Jesus Christ, the Indwelling Holy Spirt, and in our always loving Holy Father.