Heal Endometriosis Naturally With Wendy K Laidlaw

#143 - Persistence, Patience & Parts



  This week Wendy shares an extract from a group Q&A call from her Embracing Emotions program. In this extract, she discusses how the emotional component is integral to allowing for the whole body and whole person to heal. Any form of disease, especially endometriosis, is a complex condition and affects all elements of a woman’s life and her body.  By learning how to listen to her body and her emotions, she ultimately becomes a detective and that new art develops a new and empowering relationship.  The woman is, over time, able to identify certain triggers from the 5 P’s and then learns how to become a boss of her endometriosis - an EndoBoss®.  The key to success is Persistence (it may take up to 12 months to put into remission with expert support, and Patience (this process is not a quick fix but is a "long-term sustainable solution," which addresses the root causes of a problem and is designed to provide lasting and effective results) and Parts (listen to all parts of yourself - all parts make a whole).