Clear The Clutter

EP 74: Stop leaving money on the table



Episode Mindset shifts + Journal Prompts Get all the other links mention on the podcast here. ----------- Show notes I've been thinking a lot lately about how we keep leaving money on the table. Had you told me that 10 years ago.... I would have been pissed and said that was a lie.   But, unfortunately, we all do it. We develop these blinders that help us understand the world and how to function in it. Sometimes that can be an amazing tool.  Other times it can become a limiting belief. Then those limiting beliefs, unchecked can cause us to leave money on the table.  They can cause us to think that we can only bring in money a certain way. That we can only use our skills at work and somehow they magically disappear when we try and do something else.  Today's episode is to help you shift away from the limiting beliefs that are only certain ways to get paid. To the mindset that you become the person that money chases.  You are the person that money