Hidden Apron Radio

Ep. 28: Isabel Moura - The Traveling Polyglot on Learning Languages, the Necessity of Mistakes, and Things Lost in Translation



Today, I talk with Isabel Moura (full disclosure: she is also my Portuguese professor), who, during my visit to Brazil, introduced me to foods beyond the stereotypical açai bowl and grilled meats.  She's a popular teacher on the Language Learning Community Platform iTalki where I met her and has over ten years of experience teaching and learning languages.  We: - Demystify some of the misconceptions around language-learning (no you don’t have to rely on memorization), - The systems one can use to make language learning not only efficient and effective but also personal, - How one can create environments to learn a language even if they don’t have the resources to travel often or take intensive courses, and - How they can apply their newfound skills abroad Portuguese may have been the language I have dedicated the most time on but I cannot overstate just how much more delicious my experiences in food have been abroad just by learning some essential phrases.  That’s because the real food of a place is often in