Unleashing Your Best-self

#7 - Two Simple Steps To Reach Any Goal In Your Life



We are vibrational beings in a vibrational universe. The fastest way to get anything, including, that promotion in your job, that meaningful relationship, that healthy lifestyle, that car you have desired for years, that new house in a better neighborhood, that trip around the world, etc. is by aligning ourselves with the vibration of our desires. How? By stop doing whatever you think you have to do and stop thinking about what is missing in your life. The only real action you need to do is to focus every day in what you want and keep yourself happy and feeling good as long as possible during the day even when you still don’t have what you want. And, if the fact of focusing on what you want makes you feel bad because you are constantly aware of what it is missing then don’t focus on it anymore, set the intention during your morning and let the Universe know what you want: “Universe, I am so happy and grateful for ____, ____, and ____. And I would be even happier and more grateful if --- Support this pod