Enemy Of The State: Murray Rothbard

Episode 25 - Introduction to Microeconomics - 5 of 14 - Minimum Price Controls - Murray N Rothbard



INTRODUCTION TO MICROECONOMICS Presented by Murray N. Rothbard in 1986 at New York Polytechnic University. Recorded by Hans-Hermann Hoppe. 5. Intro to Micro: Minimum Price Controls Thou shalt not sell a certain product or service below a certain price, e.g. wheat, cotton, corn, cheese, sugar. This will result in an artificial unsold permanent surplus, as it does in the American farm situation. Initially resources are attracted into the field, but the artificially high price discourages buyer demand. This kind of interventionary tampering with market signals destroys the market tendency to adjustment and brings about losses and misallocation of resources in satisfying consumer wants.The principles of minimum price controls apply to minimum wage laws, which lead to involuntary mass unemployment. Part 5 of 14. Presented in 1986 at New York Polytechnic University. This lecture on YouTube: https://youtu.be/tUGkZp11cfo Sourced from: https://mises.org/library/introduction-microeconomics We are not endorsed or