Crosspoint Fellowship Messages

The Principles of Romans, pt. 1 - God’s Righteousness in Everyday Life (Marks of a Christian)



Are we the same as this world? What sets us apart? We should strive for a renewed mind. We use the gifts God has blessed us with to benefit the Church and God’s kingdom. We submit to earthly authority. We don't judge each other. We don't cause each other to stumble. We are model citizens.Genuine love reflects the Father's love and it is the fruit that Christians must bear.We have to be brave enough to call a sin a sin. Not to do so is the opposite of loving and it destroys the purpose of God's love, which is to bring us into right relationship with him.When we love one another with brotherly affection, we follow Christ’s example of loving sacrificially.Too many of us serve a God whose love is based in accepting our will. That’s a false God.When we are persecuted for our principles, we return their curse with a blessing. Without empathy, harmony is non-existent.The Bible's literal advice is to kill them with kindness.