Triangle Tactical - Uspsa | 3 Gun | Idpa | Competitive Shooting

When Should You Buy Something New, Even if it isn't an Upgrade?



When is it time to replace gear, even if it isn’t an upgrade? I think everyones answer is going to be different to this question, but here’s my thoughts on it: I’ve got this old Glock 34 that I’ve been shooting forever. It has an unknown number of rounds through it, and I’ve replaced a bunch of parts in it over the years. At one point the gun started grouping really far to the left, and I could actually see wear on the locking block where it was starting to lock up off-center. No idea how or why that could happen, but it seemed like the lockup wearing the left side of the locking block was in-line with the gun suddenly grouping to the left. This wasn’t an issue of me not being able to pull ac Glock trigger and pulling the gun low and left, it was literally the gun wearing funny, and causing the barrel to lock up weirdly. So, I looked around a little on the internet, consulted with a listener who’s a Glock armorer guy at Glock, and then replaced the slide release (not the slide lock/slide stop) the slide relea