Girl In Skies Podcast

The Gold Diggers w/Sue Nyathi - Episode 47



In this episode of Girl In Skies Podcast, Nat & Xolie speak to Sue Nyathi - the author of The Gold Diggers. We discuss some of the themes from her book including child trafficking, xenophonia, the migrant experience & more! She also shares about new book that we can expect later in 2020. Tune in . . The Gold Diggers follows a group of passengers travelling from Zimbabwe to South Africa hoping for a better life in the City of Gold. They have paid a high price for the dangerous passage to what they believe is a better life; an escape from the vicious vagaries of their present life in Bulawayo. In their minds, the streets of Johannesburg are paved with gold but they will have to dig deep to get close to any gold, dirtying themselves in the process. The Gold Diggers is available everywhere and on amazon . . ---- #GirlInSkies is your podcast by Nat & Xolie discussing life, hot topics, being Africans away from home and more. Keep the conversation going