Dracaena Wines Podcast

Jampal on Winephabet Street



It’s Monday, Let’s raise a glass to the beginning of another week. It’s time to unscrew, uncork or saber a bottle and let’s begin Exploring the Wine Glass!  Today, we return to Winephabet Street, where the letter of the day is J and it stands for Jampal! Never heard of it? There’s a good reason for that. There are only approximately 32 hectares planted. It is an indigenous grape variety from Portugal, and we had the opportunity to learn all about it with Master of Wine Dirceau Vianna Junior.  Special thanks to Wines of Portugal US Ambassador, Eugenio Jardim, for helping organize the interview. Franco Caputo of Italian Products & Beyond for arranging delivery of the wine and Allison Levine of Please the Palate for making the introduction.  Please take a moment to rate and review the podcast. Did you know you can do it right now, while you are listening? New ratings and reviews are how the algorithms decide which podcasts they recommend to others and if you love the podcast, other wine lovers will too!  And