The Leadership Japan Series By Dale Carnegie Training Japan

509 How Are Those New Year Resolutions Coming Along?



Leadership requires discipline and accountability.  We claim to know more than the team about the strategy and direction we need to take.  Are we being honest with ourselves though?  We probably made some New Year Resolutions in January and here we are one quarter into the new calendar year and how are we looking on those commitments?  I see the influx of overweight executives booking up the personal trainers down at my private club gym every January.  They clearly are okay to spend the money, because both the club and these trainers are not cheap. These newbies are usually obese and are clearly interested in doing something about their weight to improve their health and performance.  Six weeks later they have quietly vanished. I wonder what sort of corporate leaders they are, if they cannot maintain the discipline and commitment to take care of the most precious thing in their lives – their own health?  Are they credible with their teams?   Maybe I am wrong, but I doubt they can be a genius of organisation,