Popular Usa Majority

Statues Without Pants | Bullies of Tallahassee | Song Title by Charlie Sykes



Michelangelo made you perfect From a single block of stone David, you're beautiful and correct You muscles, your skin, your bones Now parents in Tallahassee Want to cancel and cover you They see you as pornography Yeah Dave, they really do But please don't take it personally They're just protecting their children They prefer guns and violence To statues without pants David, you're so brave and fine 600 years you stand tall Ready to fight Goliath In that great Biblical brawl Your eyes full of fire Your buttocks clenched so tight You wear the perfect attire For that great mythical fight But next time you fight Goliath Cover you penis, your balls, and your ass The bullies of Tallahassee Don't like statues without pants Statues without pants Statues without pants