Breakout Sessions With Chad Nedland

The Art of Taking Risks



Taking risks is often looked at as something that is dangerous. It could cost you something. It is wrongly associated with loss or pain.  In this episode, Chad will walk you through three different types of approaching risk.  You will learn how to turn a risk into a challenge. You will also uncover I'll making your life more difficult will help you to grow. Most importantly you will learn how being personal and vulnerable in the world can propel you forward and help you to advance faster than you ever imagined. Listen through to the end for this will be 18 minutes that can change your life forever. If you are ready to take your life to the next level I have created something for my listeners. You can get my free audiobook "The Book On Being Better" for free at the link below. This is just for you my listeners. Take advantage of this great resource as it outlines the very principles that I have used to frame my life.  The fun thing is that you have done so as well. What I will show you in this audio is how to