Moody Presents

The Hand of God



Welcome to MOODY PRESENTS with Mark Jobe, President of Moody Bible Institute and Senior Pastor of New Life Community Church in Chicago. We are in REBUILDING mode here on Moody Presents where we are learning how we can overhaul our lives, our cities and our world.   A big part of that rebuild is timing.  You’ve heard it before… timing is everything. Nehemiah had a burden, something that gripped his soul. He knew he had to act, but there was a patience there as well.  When it comes to rebuilding we can jump in too quickly so we want to give some steps to take while we WAIT for the proper time The title of the message today is, “The Hand of God” and our Bible text is Nehemiah 2. Follow along, and when you have time read it and study it on your own. Thank you for listening to Moody Presents.  See for privacy information.