Victory Fellowship Church Podcast

Pray Like This, Part 8: Deliver Us From Evil // Eric Robertson



Who is the evil one, and why do we need to be delivered? In this message, Pastor Eric Robertson teaches on the final section of the prayer "deliver us from evil" or as some translations say it, "deliver us from the Evil One".  Believers have a part to play in defeating evil by living offensively and defensively towards the kingdom of darkness. Who is the evil one, and why do we need to be delivered? What we do know about Satan?God created him as an angel and at one point he was good.Gen 3:1, Col 1: 16-17He was punished because of his pride and his goal to become like God. Isaiah 14, Ezekiel 28He is a defeated enemy. His sentence has already been determined and we are just waiting for it to be enacted. Col 2:15, Heb 2:14 The Scriptures tells us, contrary to what some Christians might believe, that Satan is actually ruling over and influencing our world 1 John 5:19  2 Corinthians 4:4 Satan's Will: kill, steal, destroyGod's Will: love, peace, abundant lifeEvil exists because there a