Authentic Health Coaching - Nutrition Podcast

Lune Lim Interview - Mens Health and a Healthy Attitude | Mental Fitness | Mens Living Australia | Mens Living Magazine |



In this show we interview Lune Lim, founder of Mens Living Magazine Australia. Lune is a successful Australian businessman who is passionate about health and inspires men worldwide to live a healthy lifestyle. Lune is at the forefront of turning around the health of Australians as an educator and advocate of healthier diets and a healthy mental attitude. In this show Lune talks about his struggles with liver failure as a teenager and how he overcame it. Lune talks about the importance of a healthy attitude - living with gratitude and confidence. You can have all the diet and nutrition information in the world, but if you don't apply it consistently, is it worth much? Lune shows you how to develop that healthy mental attitude and apply what you know to live a healthy vibrant lifestyle. For more information about Lune, visit him at We'd like to thank you for subscribing to the Authentic Health Coaching Nutrition Podcast show - so we're giving away Dr. Corson's Top 5 Nutrition Tips Repor