Joshua Jackson

Daniel 2 (1-12)



Daniel 2 V1 Troubling dreams - 2 dreams - Daniel’s Gift V2 Summons - Everyone except God’s people V3 Meaning - dreams/incidence - Curious to know V4 False testament - they were planning on giving false information V5 truthful interpretation - if you lie about the dream, death will be waiting on you. V6 Great reward - if you can know and understand a dream V7 Buying time - they needed help or just a sneak off somewhere V8-9 challenged - can they really interpret the dream V10- impossible task - only God truly knows our thoughts. - The best lie detector cannot ready minds V11- God knows - Psalm 139:2 God knows when we sit down, rise up and our thoughts from a far. V12 useless - all of these men were useless for Gods work. - Daniel was give gifts for this purpose