Purple Patch Podcast

Episode 259: Training for a Time-Starved Athlete



Today on the Purple Patch Podcast, Ironman Master Coach Matt Dixon takes a fresh look at how to structure training for a time-starved athlete. Whether you’re training for an endurance event, either competitively or simply for personal enjoyment, Matt provides a ground-up framework of how to maximize your training approach to be successful. Matt shares 5 principles to help build your time-starved training plan. Establishing a mindset that can optimize your training impact. Life is not a spreadsheet. Life is a living, breathing, dirty, unpredictable thing that we love. It ebbs and it flows. Your life demands and your stresses amplify, and then they settle for a bit. And therefore your approach, your training plan, needs to be able to flow and synchronize and dance with this stark reality. -14:31 Tools to ensure each week of training can be productive, no matter how time-starved you are. We actually build into the construction of a training program, a little bit of a management tool, that when your energy