

We’ve been experiencing lower click-through rates and traffic on Google. This is because Google came up with multiple Search Engine Results Pages (SERP) features. However, if we understand the data points as to what is happening, we can test and try these trends and still win the game back. In this episode, Arti Sharma tackles why click-through rates are diminishing, what zero-click and no-click content spaces are, and what we need to do to get a spot in these spaces. Listen and learn in this episode!   KEY TAKEAWAYS FROM THIS EPISODE Google is trying to keep people in its ecosystem and serve them Zero-click Content is informational content, which is focused on the search engine results page. It provides the searcher with what they want without having to leave the search page.  No-click Content is high-value content that has been published by a brand that requires no click to consume fully.  It's often published on a third-party site. You cannot force your brand into any zero-click space on Google, but you c