13th Ave Media

AMPLIFY CLW/13th brings you Ambreetta Stephens, Founder and CEO of EmpowHERment.



Welcome to the 47th episode of Amplify Clearwater Show, powered by 13th Ave Media! We are very excited to take you on a journey to learn more about all of the incredible businesses, nonprofits, and community leaders. In this episode, we are featuring Ambreetta Stephens, Founder and CEO of EmpowHERment. Ambreetta goes by Ambee. She’s a daughter, sister, partner, aunt, niece, cousin, friend, and finally, the Founder and CEO of EmpowHERment. She is the oldest of nine. The only one in her family to graduate, go to college, and now get their master’s degree. After losing her father to suicide, Ambee found herself looking for support in one place. She had gone through an immeasurable amount of pain and wanted deeply to turn it into something positive. Ambee started a Facebook group that grew from 0-700 women in one year! They met monthly at different places to discuss topics like self- love, self-care, healthy relationships, etc. After doing that for two years, she decided to grow EmpowHERment to a nonprofit organi