Mark Pires Real Talk

On A Mission



On this Friday special edition of Mark Pires Real Talk we start with a 22 minute FaceBook live VlogCast before the magic begins. On Instagram Mark explores the human condition and how we are being driven to be at odds instead of what we really should be doing together as a human race. In the final section recorded on the GigBoxStar page on InstaGram which will be live for the next 11 hours,. Mark speaks directly to the small group that has found and begun tuning in to this program. People will find the content but the appreciation for each and every one of those initial followers is delved into and Mark gets overwhelmed on air and live on camera when faced with his true life’s work. This is an episode that will touch all parts of the human psyche and fill you with positivity to take into your day and an optimism that what is being thrust upon us by the media can be sidetracked, just tune into Real Talk and we will steer you to the Tesla coil of positive energy that we all have hidden within us. @markpiresreal