
[Rewind] Positive Present Perspective | #187



What lens do you look at life through? This is a rewind episode! The lens we choose to look at life through matters because we see what we look for and what we focus on expands. It's time for us to look at our lives through a more empowering lens so we can continue to create generational wellness and be the change we want to see in our family and community. Nick and Ray discuss what a Positive Present Perspective [PPP] is, why it is essential and how we can begin to leverage this perspective to create generational wellness. Here's what you can expect from this episode: Mindful Moment - Pause, observe 3 DEEP breaths and focus your attention on something you are grateful for Defining a Positive Present Perspective - Ray breaks down the 3 pillars that make up a PPP and how each relates to one other Sharing Personal Experience - Nick and Ray share their experience with looking at life through the lens of a PPP and how it has empowered them to make lasting behavior change Habits to Promote Our Mindset Shift