
Mindful Relationships: Entrepreneurship, Mental Health, and Sustaining a Health Romantic Relationship | #192



Are you in a mindful relationship? We asked for recommendations on topics we should cover on the show and you all delivered! This request centered on how an entrepreneur can maintain their mental health while in a romantic relationship. Nick and Ray provide insights on their journies of staying mentally healthy as they balance entrepreneurship and their romantic relationship. If you are an entrepreneur and in a relationship [or looking to be in one] this episode will provide valuable insights into how to approach caring for yourself and your significant other. Here's what you can expect from this episode: Mindful Moment - Pause, observe 3 DEEP breaths and participate in an exercise to calm your central nervous system and experience inner peace How Do You Promote Your Mental Health? - Nick and Ray share their perspective on what's important when it comes to maintaining optimal mental health Relationship Journey - Nick and Ray share the experiences they have had while finding a balance between nurturing th