
Wellness Wednesdays: Reaching a 50K Training Milestone, Responding to Failure, Questions to Enhance Self-Care, Contributing to Community Care | #5



Here's what I'll be covering in this episode: 1. Mindful Moment - I guide us through 3 rounds of deep breathing and a self-love practice through intentional touch. 2. Mindful Reflection - I share a couple of highlights from the week prior: leading a Mindful Moment at the first stop of the Moments With Murdock Experience mid-west tour and running a PR. I also discuss failing to accomplish my reading goal for January and the adjustments I am making to move forward. 3. Check-In - I discuss how my body is adapting to the strain I am putting it under and how I am approaching caring for myself mentally; continuing to prioritize time for proactive rest, primarily through taking naps and realizing that my current evening routine is unsustainable; being intentional about the relationship I am developing with myself and choosing to lead with love and compassion; and continuing to be mindful of what I consume and determine what will work best for my optimal performance. 4. System Updates - I share the practice that I ha