
Wellness Wednesday: 20-Mile Run Recovery, Experiencing Burnout, Inside Tracker Update, Cultivating Greater Self-Compassion | #6



Here's what I'll be covering in this episode: 1. Mindful Moment - I guide us through 3 rounds of deep breathing and movement practice to relieve tension in our neck and shoulders. 2. Mindful Reflection - I discuss some things I learned from reflecting on my work habits. Even though I can accept where I currently am, I recognize that there is still room for improvement in optimizing my health. 3. Check-In - I discuss how my body is recovering from a 20-mile run and how mentally I've been experiencing some symptoms of burnout; focusing my attention on whether the habits I practice are in alignment with my values and goals; recognizing that there is room for me to be more disciplined with the food I consume; and doubling down on being kind to myself instead of being critical. 4. System Updates - I foreshadow a new app that I have been testing out to support me in updating my evening routine. 5. Resource Review - I share the featured article from the Balance Period Newsletter: The Benefits of Self-Compassion &