Forties Stories

How to Dive Into Your 40s: Michelle Wright, 40



Michelle Wright and I talk about how you can dive into your 40s, which is exactly what she did. We discuss the fit by 40s program she created for herself (and it’s not what you think it is!), about how to be more than a mother, how depression caused her to learn what she needed, and why laughter is so important to our well-being.    This is the third in a 4-part finale for the show, and I’m so grateful to Michelle for letting me share it with you since we recorded it right after the Covid lockdowns began. It is the perfect final interview, and I know you will love our conversation as much as I did! Next week I’ll share the 10 things I learned in my 40s.     Michelle Wright is a wife and a mother of two--a native Californian who now resides in Nevada. She is passionate about homemaking, homeschooling, and the power of self-care. Recently, she created a "she space" for herself--which is a space just for her that brings her joy, calm, and inspiration because she believes that with all that she is and that she do