Your Mileage May Vary

Glory Hole Philosophers, Threesome Trouble, Partial Oral Choices, Condom Pointlessness



Threesome trouble stories are our bread and butter, and this episode is no exception. We have both an MMF and an MFF tale of woe to bring to you. Then there's this question about how much less pleasure men get from sex when wearing a condom. Keith says it's "a lot worse." Women don't care that much about PIV sex in many instances anyway, so what's even the point? But look I don't want to bury the lede too much here. We discussed just how much money it would take in various instances for Keith to be willing to engage in gay sex. It's pretty expensive, but there's a wide range depending on exactly what he has to do. Maybe one of our listeners/benefactors will step up to the plate and make it happen? We discuss whether a woman should prefer giving the first 90 percent of a blowjob or the last 10 percent. It's honestly not clear. And a word on glory holes. I've never rightly seen someone using one in person. For me they operate more as a sort of philosophical entity, useful for distinguishing what exactly you'd b