Monster Party

Monster Party Monster Party Movie Marquee Mark Pitta



MONSTER PARTY BRINGS YOU A PETRIFYING PROGRAM OF PECULIAR PAIRINGS!  JAMES GONIS, SHAWN SHERIDAN, LARRY STROTHE, and MATT WEINHOLD, delve the depths of their film knowledge, to create the ultimate in imaginary movie mashups. Get your hot-oiled popcorn ready for... THE MONSTER PARTY MOVIE MARQUEE!!! In a game that we're fairly confident you've all played, we come up with our own dream billings of horror, science fiction, and fantasy films. We're talkin' double features, triple features, and even "Go Ape" style movie marathons. We've linked the films by theme, but also by title, with the later primarily for comedic effect. Because we love comedic effects! But only if they're practical. Joining us for all this marquee-noclastic merriment , is a film connoisseur, a valued friend, and a return guest! He's not only a renowned actor, TV host, filmmaker, and comedian (from The Tonight Show!!!), but a long time MONSTER PARTY supporter and fan! Please welcome back, the eternally entertaining... MARK PITTA! (THE TONIGHT